Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Danny as a clown in earlier years#35: Halloween Thoughts & Costume Suggestions.

Happy Halloween, everyone! It's safe to say that Nina and I are fairly pro-holiday to begin with, but Halloween is a holiday we especially enjoy, particularly since it involves eating lots of candy. Admittedly, we have years where our efforts range from the elaborate (like my appearance on the streets of Manhattan a few years ago as Flava Flav, pre-reality show but post-Homestar Runner) to the low effort (see my successive years as a last minute "garbage bag"). This year we get to trick or treat with my two nieces, so it will be fun seeing how many kids dress up as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Here is a brief list of costumes I would like to see this year but probably won't:

. Solo costume: A bowl of cereal. I'm not able to articulate exactly why this would be awesome, except for the fact that I've never seen it and I'd be curious to see which cereal they represented.

2. Couple's costume: Trinidad and Tobago. Just the outlines of the countries with feet and arms sticking out. They always go together anyway, so it seems like a good rou
te for couples.

3. Group costume: Two (or more) people as rolls of toilet paper, with a third person in the middle as a house. It's Halloween-appropriate and unprecedented; if you could incorporate actual toilet-papering motions, it would be perfect.

Among the costumes I'd rather not see: clowns, "political" costumes, and, oh, let's say possums.

Wishing you lots of candy and not so much toilet paper,

7 Feedback:

At 10/31/2006 11:49:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Regarding the curious increase of votes for Savannah:
Found on Blog “Hello Savannah”

Savannah in 8th place in internet voting competition
Posted At : October 25, 2006
Posted By : Danny&Nina
Related Categories: City Talk

Hi there folks of Savannah,

We’re a couple who recently launched an internet project where visitors vote for where the two of us should move. Currently, Savannah is in eighth place with nearly 1,400 votes cast. We thought some of you might appreciate what we’re doing and hope that you’ll take the time to cast a vote for Savannah (or another city of your choosing).

You may view the project and more information at ..

Many thanks for your time!


I am sure you both have another nice explanation for that, right?! *misgiving*

At 10/31/2006 12:07:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Hi Danny and Nina,

I am one of those Germans and when I read "Plano über Alles" I hesitated a moment and had to decide; Am I amused or insulted? Reading on I learned you thought about that, too. So its not cheap superficial Germany bashing, and I tend to be amused ;)
But I cannot resist to remark that that line was not meant the way it is often understood when taken out of context. It was merely an assertion of the German national state against the many regional entities and not an expression of German supremacy over other nations :)
greetings from Maastricht

At 10/31/2006 12:12:00 PM, Blogger Danny&Nina wrote...

Hey Karsten,

We actually did this same thing for all of the top cities on our list about a week ago; some of them were removed but if you do a blog search you'll see the ones that are still up: Denver, Birmingham, and Savannah (http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=%22dannyandnina%22&btnG=Search+Blogs)

We're doing this project ourselves, which includes trying to raise awareness about the site and this was one of the ways we tried to do it. We posted a similar message on blogs for many cities and did so impartially, the same way we send out press releases to cities across the country.

Hopefully that addresses your concerns.

At 10/31/2006 07:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Haha! My friend actually dressed up years ago as a toilet papered tree. I never did see his costume, but I have a hard time believing that people could tell what he was. That made me laugh though that that was practically one of the ideas you suggested.

Anyways, happy halloween! I hope you both are having the best of days. (Are either of you dressing up this year?!)

At 11/01/2006 02:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

"PLANO (or whatever) über alles" refers to the 1st verseof the German national anthem during the time of the Nazi regime. Since 1945 this first verse is not part of the national anthem any more because of its very aggressive content towards the geografic extention of "Deutschland".

I don´t think that you are Germany-bashing or so when you use this quotation. I think you are yust trying to do a funny remark, joke and you fail because you don´t know the historic and social background of what you ar quoting. If you had seen some of the young nazi-kids here in the province towns of Brandenburg or Mecklenburg-Vorpommern you shureley would change your mind about "PLANO (or whatever) über alles" being funny.

So let me do a suggestion: Why don´t you chose Brandenburg as your future residence? This could really be a new experience for you and it could help to bring an international and tolerant spirit to this region.

At 11/01/2006 11:49:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Oh My God...

Germans and history... If you're really as historically educated as as it seems you should keep your mouth shut and not make yourself a fool.

"Deutschland über alles" (something like "Germany comes first") was the first line of a lied (for the german readers: yes thats also an english word) called "Das Lied der Deutschen" (Song of the Germans) and it was written by Heinrich-Hoffman von Fallersleben, a nationalliberal poet, in 1841.
He had to go into exile for his beliefs, because at that time there was no Germany but 38 more or less independant states.
German nationalists demanded unity, nothing else and "Deutschland über alles" meant that the unity of the country should be the most important thing for Germans, not more, not less.

It became the Hymn of Germany in 1922, the time of the Weimar Republic. Of course it has been misused by the Nazis but this hasn't been the authors intention.
And what's the reason it had been forbidden since 1945? The countries that defeated the Nazis didn't care about it, they simply forbade it. No questions about historical reality.

Sorry for being educative but the last post really got me. Sometimes I'm all history... Can't stand such ignorant people...

Anyways, I read the newspaper articles about you, Danny and Nina, and I suppose all doubts about your existnce should be gone now. I wish you a good time in... Texas as it seems.

Best regards

At 11/02/2006 02:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Hi Eduard,

the lines

"Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt"

in "Das Lied der Deutschen" first verse refer to the geografic extension of the German settlings in old, very old times and were used by the Nazis to support their claim of land towards their neighbors ("Volk ohne Raum").
Maas is the french river Meuse, Memel a river on the eastern border of Poland towards Lithuania! Etsch is a River in Italy and Belt is meant for the Baltic Sea!! Imagine what it means to a european peaceful neighborhood to have Nazi Blokes shouting out this song nowadays.

Maybe the author had some different ideas about the meaning of these words but the way the Nazis used them for their ideology of hate and war, the Führerprinzip and their darwinistic race ideology has changed the context. "Deutschland über alles" had a different meaning before and after the Holocaust. It can also mean something like "Germany mobbing all the others".

In Germany it is forbidden by law to sing this verse.


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