Monday, October 30, 2006

The Possum Strikes Back#34:Revenge of the Possum, Two New Articles, and an '80s Loving Robot.

The possum came back ("...this time, it's personal") even though we moved Snuffy's food up to higher ground. He's got a keen nose, dat possum. Okay, he really does look pretty gross in these pictures, but that's because this particular possum looks like he's losing his hair and the tail is very rodential. I always thought possums would be a little fluffier.

On the voting front there seems to be a battle going on between Plano and Savannah. Ross Perot apparently lives in Plano--he bears a passing resemblance to a possum. We still have huge numbers
of illegal votes as well that we're invalidating every day. Blah. We've even found some sites with specific instructions of how to program our site to cast illegal votes. Pretty

Over the past few days a couple of new newspaper articles were published about our project. The first is from Loveland, Colorado's Reporter-Herald; the second is from Drake University's Times-Delphic. Give them a spin if you're curious.

And in light of the illegitimate bot voting taking place on our site, how could I not share this with you: a robot built to solve Rubik's cubes. The best part is that they made his voice to sound like "a robot"... because that's how robots sound.


2 Feedback:

At 10/30/2006 01:22:00 PM, Blogger Danny&Nina wrote...

Thought we'd share a MySpace message we received regarding this post:

"OK, first of all I like how subtly added the pirate and goth nina to your logo (sorry the graphic designer coming out)

SECONDLY, however this is the really, really strange part... I had a dream last night that an o'possum kept sneaking into my house and trying to sleep with me. It was very scary. I would chase him out screaming at him and then I would turn around and he would be there with something dead and smelly in his mouth. My cat kept trying to kill him, but I didn't want her to get near him. I also had a pond full of happy, tiny, blue dolphins in my front yard whom he kept trying to drag out of the water to kill.

As much as I love all animals, I dislike possums - their tails disgust me. My dogs and I run into them at night on our walks. The dogs go crazy and try to kill them, but they are kind of bad asses and stand their ground. They have the most god awful hiss you've ever heard. Wretched, wretched creatures those things.

Anyhow it was very strange to see... after my disturbing nightmare."

At 10/30/2006 06:42:00 PM, Blogger Iowa Greyhound wrote...

I'd be happy to lend you a greyhound to expedite the possum. :-)

In reality though, I'd hate to hurt the little guy, he's kind of cute.


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