Friday, October 20, 2006

The Prime Minister and a sour looking fellow#29: Radio Interview #2, An Iraqi Timetable, Vote for Foley, and Jamie Carroll.

This morning, Nina and I had our second live radio interview, and again it just happens to be for a Colorado station. Why does Colorado seem to love us so much? This time, both of us will be on the line, which should be a fun first. The interview happened on Loveland-based KCOL 600 around 10:05 EST and it went a little something like this:

Our President doesn't believe in an exit timetable where the Iraq war is concerned, but the same is no longer true over in jolly old England. Prime Minister Tony Blair says his troops will fly their proverbial "Mission Accomplished" banner at some point in the next 16 months. Dude behind him in the photo doesn't seem too happy about it, though.

Florida has a spotless record where elections are concerned, everyone knows that. It shouldn't be surprising, then, that the upcoming midterm elections already have their fair share of controversy more than two weeks out. Former Representative Mark Foley's name will be on the ballots come November; if you want to vote for his Republican replacement Joe Negron, you have to vote for... Mark Foley.

Now, perhaps I'm just a wide-eyed idealist, but it seems to me that when I go to the polls and cast a ballot for someone's name, that vote should count for the person I voted for. That makes sense, right? Not in Florida, where the idea of writing in a candidate's name is such a difficult prospect that the only logical thing to do is funnel an entire party's vote plus write-ins to the same candidate. NPR is all over this, comedy style... But seriously, if you haven't registered to vote yet, there is still time.

Finally, we received a very nice e-mail yesterday from a young artist named Jamie Carroll. Like us, Mr. Carroll has turned his passion for art into an internet project; he spent a year living out of his car, driving around the country, and documenting his progress on his website. Definitely worth checking out, if only for his keen taste in music.


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