Tuesday, September 26, 2006

a rainbow of deliciousness.#11: Custom Candy, Tecmo '06, Nutty Birds, Britpop Fever.

I may be a little late on this, but you know the customization craze has really hit critical mass when you can personalize your M&M's. Call me old fashioned, but isn't that what those chalky Necco Sweethearts are for?.. Apparently not, because now you can also personalize those, too. Of course, if you're lazy/cheap, you can do it virtually or take an internet quiz to find out which one you'd be. Good times.

If you were a boy who grew up in the early '90s, chances are you whiled away many an hour playing Tecmo Super Bowl on your old Nintendo console. Apparently, this guy has updated those rosters a 15 year update and is simulating the entire football season for the, erm, benefit of the internet crowd.

Before there the penguins marched, there was Winged Migration. After seeing it in the theatres a few years ago, I remembered walking out with a newfound sense of appreciation and awe for birds, thinking that maybe they weren't so different from us after all. That sensation was rekindled yesterday after watching the following clip, which is worth watching just to hear the British narrator say "the problem now is collecting the bits without getting run over":

And look at this--it's another double video day. Here is part one of four of a recent half-hour BBC documentary on the rise and fall of Britpop. If you're at all interested in the scene or some of the bands--Blur, Oasis, Elastica, Suede, etc.--it's worth a watch, even if there isn't anything too surprising. It does seem they give short shrift to the shoegazers, many of whom wound up being part of the Britpop movement proper (Boo Radleys, Ride, Moose...). Here is part one with links to part two, part three, and part four:


1 Feedback:

At 9/26/2006 06:34:00 PM, Blogger Danny&Nina wrote...

Danny - you find the best videos! That crow one is great.
Does anyone actally eat sweethearts? They are truly one of the grossest candies around.
What is the best candy ever? I am craving some milkyway....mmm


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