Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The lifted Goya#47: An Air Guitar You Wear and An Art Heist.

This is almost too weird and unlikely to believe, but scientists in Australia have developed an
air guitar t-shirt that allows the wearer to produce guitar music by playing nothing but the air around them. One of the engineers responsible calls it "an easy-to-use, virtual instrument that allows real-time music making even by players without significant musical or computing skills."

But how does it look and sound?
See for yourself by checking out the streaming WMV file here. Lest you think the Aussie science corps is a one trick pony, they've also done the same with the tambourine and guiro. Shouldn't these guys be trying to cure cancer or something?

Elsewhere, Goya's 1778 oil painting "Children With a Cart" was stolen in transit from the Toledo Museum of Art in Ohio to New York's Guggenheim museum. Doesn't this sort of thing only happen in bad thrillers? Apparently not.


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3 Feedback:

At 11/15/2006 07:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Hi Nina & Danny,

I really agree that scientists should rather bundle their efforts to invent or create something that makes more sense than developing air guitar T-shirts!

But the more I get accustomed to the idea of long-haired, headbanging freaks playing their air guitars in hip clubs, the more I like it... ;-)

And, after all, I had one day more than you guys to make myself familiar with a weird invention like this! EHRENSENF already featured it in its show of Nov. 14, 2006...

You'll find this (and a lot of other needful things) on

Best regards, and enjoy your last weeks to the fullest – before moving to Plano!


At 11/16/2006 12:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

No, it happens all the time, Danny. Believe it or not Munch's ubiquitous 'The Scream' is totally awol, or at least was last time I checked. It is pretty rare in the States though, mostly takes place in chaotic Europe, where things are easily misplaced and one can hop from country to country with ease.
Hope all is well, and tell Nina that I think her illustrations are somehow subconsciously influencing my own work.

At 11/16/2006 09:23:00 AM, Blogger La Muniequera wrote...

Hi, I'm a Nikko's friend in Madrid and I think is a great idea that you have with the website (my english is invented so.. I'm sorry! I'm argentinian nonangloparlante).
I love your art Nina, and your... hair Danny!
Good luck with the move (?)!



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